
Quantitative and monetary benefit assessments – Assessing improved water resource use and its adaptation to climate change


This paper illustrates one aspect of the ongoing project “Analysis for the European Neighbourhood Policy Instrument (ENPI) Countries on social and economic benefits of enhanced environmental protection” which is funded by the EU through EuropeAid. The study assesses the potential qualitative, quantitative and monetary benefits of enhanced environmental protection as a result of the convergence of ENP countries‟ environmental policies and legislation with those of the EU.
The study has been initiated as key international financial institutions (IBRD, EIB) as well as officials in Ministries of Environment in ENP countries have signalled that they had difficulties in concretely demonstrating the importance of environmental actions to their governments, which frequently resulted in barriers to progress. This study covers the following ENP countries in the MENA region: Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestinian Authority, Syria and Tunisia.